Was designed for hardworking women that are experiencing the effects of aging. Featuring a custom assortment of herbal extracts, natural caffeine, and other natural ingredients.
Unique blend formulated to regulate hormone in-balances, lower cortisol, and aid in proper thyroid function. Adding Balance to your daily regimen will have your body functioning properly.
Your working manager Rachel suggested this for me and it has been a GAME CHANGER. This has single handedly stopped my cramping and I am working out longer, recovering faster and lifting heavier than before. Give that woman a raise and put this stuff out front.
Your current employee at my location (nice lady don’t know her name) did an amazing job helping me find the vitamin pack and creating supplement I needed to take my workout to the next level. She’s an amazing sales-damn and the products you sell WORK. Couldn’t be more satisfied and I will come again.